Monday, September 10, 2012

Sura ll Al Baqarah; ayats 2 - 5

Bism Allah, Al Rahman, Ir Raheem.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. 
(As taught to me by Almighty God Allah through inspiration.)

           2.This is THE BOOK. In it is GUIDANCE SURE, without doubt, to those who fear ALLAH.
  3. Who believe in the UNSEEN, are steadfast in prayer and spend out of what WE have
provided for them.
   4. And who believe in THE REVELATION sent to thee and sent before thy time, and in 
their hearts have the assurance of THE HEREAFTER. 
5. They are on TRUE GUIDANCE from their LORD and it is these who will prosper. 


THE BOOK - Al Qur'an, the only message sent by ALLAH.
THE UNSEEN - ALLAH and those events described in Al Qur'an of which we were not witnesses.
   WE - ALLAH.  ALLAH has 99 beautiful names which describe Who HE is but does not fully encompass
                      all He is.  Allah takes the singular and plural pronouns.  He is letting us know that in His decisions, all
of Who (He is) is involved in the process.
thee and thy - you the reader of THE BOOK. 
GUIDANCE SURE and TRUE GUIDANCE - ALLAH'S TRUTH is the only TRUTH.  All other truths
have to be verified by THE BOOK before it can be accepted as true. TRUTH comes from ALLAH.
prosper - return to THE GARDEN. We are given this life as an opportunity to earn the
reward of THE HEREAFTER. Returning to THE GARDEN is that reward.
fear ALLAH - have the greatest respect for ALLAH, our CREATOR.
THE REVELATION - THE BOOK, Al Qur'an, the only message sent by ALLAH.
they - you the reader of Al Qur'an and follower of its GUIDANCE.
these - you, the sincere, dedicated and obedient believers in ALLAH and practitioners of HIS message.
their LORD - ALLAH

Using these definitions as substitutions in ayats two through five, they would read as such;

2. This is the only  message sent by ALLAH. In it is the only TRUTH, without doubt, to those who 
have the greatest respect for their CREATOR, ALLAH.
3. Who believe in Allah and those events described in Al Qur'an, are steadfast in prayer and spend out of what
ALLAH has provided for them.
4. And who believe in this the only message sent by Allah to you the reader of this message,
and sent before your time, and in your hearts have the assurance  of THE HEREAFTER.
5. You are on the only TRUTH from ALLAH and it is you, the sincere, dedicated and obedient believers in 
ALLAH and practitioners of HIS message, who will return to THE GARDEN.


As THE KEEPER of my record of deeds and intentions,
and as A WITNESS to all that I say and do, I do solemnly affirm and
reaffirm to spend each moment of my life doing YOUR WILL.
In YOUR NAME I pray.

As Salaam Alaikum

Abd'ALLAH Raswl ibn Al Qur'an


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