Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How Big of a Fool Can We (Mankind) Be?

Bism Allah, Al Rahman, Ir Raheem.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
(As taught to me by Almighty God, ALLAH, through inspiration)

When it is said to them:
"Believe as the others believe:" 
They say:
"Shall we believe as the fools believe?" 
Nay, of a surety they are the fools,
but they do not know. 
(Sura II: 13)

Pharoah was a king, a husband, a father, a builder of pyramids, a leader of an army,
a slave owner, projected himself as someone to be worshiped and he was a big fool.
When Moses (Peace be upon him) delivered the Message from Allah to free the 
Children of Israel, he (Pharoah) refused to obey.
He (Pharoah) witnessed seven plagues and the defeat of his magicians, yet, he refused to obey.
Only after Allah took his son's life did Pharoah finally acquiesce.
He still hadn't learned his lesson though. 
Having freed the Children of Israel, Pharoah ordered his army to attack Moses (Peace be upon him)
and the Children of Israel.
Now Pharoah was a big fool for not obeying Allah and suffering the consequences of his actions.
But, there are others who are bigger fools than he.
Being witnesses to the plagues, the contest between Moses (PBUH) and the magicians,  and the death of Pharoah's son -
instead of following the orders of Pharoah to attack Moses (PBUH) and the Children of Israel - the soldiers
should have said to Pharoah "Listen big fool, you are not God and we are not going against the will
of Allah. We have learned our lesson. We submit to the One God, Allah." 
But, they pursued Moses and the Children of Israel in spite of all they knew and had witnessed.
Allah, Most Merciful, Oft Returning to Mercy, gave the army of Pharoah one last chance to receive His Mercy.
When the army arrived at the river and saw it divided, they should have realized it was not by the will of
Pharoah and at that moment stopped their pursuit. But, rejectors of Faith always fail to see Allah's Mercy being
extended to them. The  consequences of their blindness and Faithlessness brought about their demise.
But, there are others who are bigger fools than Pharoah's  army.
While Moses (PBUH) was on the mountain, communicating with Allah, the Children of Israel took to worshipping the
image of a calf. Upon Moses' return they continued transgressing time and time again. Each time Allah showed His Mercy,
the Children of Israel would return to transgression. Their incessant transgressing earned them the Wrath of Allah.
Allah, Most Merciful, Oft Returning to Mercy, gave the Children of Israel one last chance to receive His Mercy.
When they arrived at the Promised Land, they were given instructions from Allah not to drink from the river before crossing.
Just drink enough to quench their thirst, but not in excess. Only a small group obeyed. The rejectors of
Faith were denied entry into the Promised Land and were scattered throughout the earth. These were the same people
who were freed by Allah from the hard tasks and punishments set by the people of Pharoah. These were the same people
who witnessed the dividing of the sea and being saved from Pharoah's army by Allah. These were the same people who
experienced the Mercy of Allah and the Wrath of Allah before arriving at the Promised Land. These were the same people
(with the exception of a few) who could not accept one last opportunity to receive Mercy from Allah. For these reasons, they
are bigger fools than Pharoah's army.
But, there are others who are bigger fools.
The examples of Moses (PUBH), Pharoah, Pharoah's army and the Children of Israel are a portion of many truths related to us by
Let's fast forward to modern times -The Here and Now.  Allah's Message, Al Qur'an, is full of Guidance and Warnings for us
to learn what is expected of us in this life. We have (through the lives of Allah's messengers) human examples that His Message,
His Guidance can be lived, and, the consequences thereof if we choose to transgress. The Reward of the Garden (for those who
choose to obey) is real. The Punishment of the Fire (for those who choose to be rejectors of Faith) is real. With all of the signs
given to us from Allah, if we chose disobedience, we will become the biggest fools in the history of mankind. The Punishment
will be the same for all the fools. But, having the benefit of learning from the mistakes of those in the past makes it inexcusable
to get caught up in the same transgressions today.
This is how big of a fool we (mankind) can be. 

Then guard yourselves against a day
when one soul shall not avail another
nor shall intercession be accepted for her
nor shall compensation be taken from her
nor shall anyone be helped (from outside) 
(Sura II: 48) 

Allah tells us how the Day of Judgement will be. No one will be available to assist another on that day. No one will be able to intervene on behalf of another. No amount of wealth and possessions will be taken to buy ones way into the garden. And the best defense by another will not help. On that day we will stand alone before Allah with only our record of deeds. Knowing this, why would we submit to other than Allah and His Guidance?


As THE KEEPER of my record of deeds and intentions,
and as A WITNESS to all that I say and do, I do solemnly affirm and
reaffirm to spend each moment of my life doing YOUR WILL.
In YOUR NAME I pray.

As Salaam Alaikum

Abd'ALLAH Raswl ibn Al Qur'an

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