Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Seek Refuge With [ALLAH]

Bism ALLAH, Al Rahman, IR Raheem
In the Name of ALLAH, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
(As taught to me by Almighty God ALLAH- through inspiration)

Sura CXIII Falaq (Dawn) and Sura CXIV Nas (Mankind) (collected)

Say: I seek refuge with [ALLAH] the LORD of the dawn: (S.CXIII. 1.)

 Say: I seek refuge with [ALLAH] the LORD and CHERISHER of mankind: (S.CXIV. 1.)

Say: I seek refuge with [ALLAH]- the KING or RULER of mankind: (S. CXIV. 2.)

Say: I seek refuge with [ALLAH]- the GOD or JUDGE of mankind: (S. CXIV. 3.)

 From the mischief of created things; (S.CXIII. 2.)

From the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads; (S. CXlll.3)

From the mischief of those who practice secret arts; (S. CXIII. 4.)

 From the mischief of the whisperer of evil
who withdraws after his whisper; (S. CXIV. 4.)

And, from the mischief of the envious one
as he practices envy. (S. CXIII. 5.)

The same who whispers into the hearts of mankind
among Jinns and among men. (S.CXIV. 5.) 


As THE KEEPER of my record of deeds and intentions,
And as A WITNESS to all that I say and do,
I do solemnly affirm and reaffirm to spend each moment of my life
(doing) YOUR WILL.
In YOUR NAME I pray,

Allahu Akbar - Allah is the Greatest

La illaha il Allah - There is no God but Allah

Al Hamdullilahi Rabbil Al Amin - Praise Be to Allah, the Lord and Cherisher of the worlds.

As Salaam Alaikum, - The Peace be unto you,

'The Holy Spirit;TRUE FAITH' Crusader
Abd'ALLAH Raswl ibn Al Qur'an

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