Monday, October 11, 2010

'THE HOLY SPIRIT' [The Will of Allah] - [The Will of God].

Bism Allah, Al Rahman, Ir Raheem
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

(As taught to me by ALMIGHTY GOD ALLAH - through inspiration)

A spirit is a will.

When we use the term "school spirit" we're saying it is our will that the school we attend or support does well in all the activities in which it participates.

When we use the term "community spirit" we're saying it is our will that the community in which we live is safe, clean, prosperous, has good schools and is looked upon favorably by the greater community in which it exists.

When we use the term "good spirit" we're saying it is our will to have positive thoughts and actions.

When we use the term "free spirit" we're talking about God's gift to mankind of freedom to choose to be or do what we want.

All of these spirits (wills) manifest themselves through our deeds and intentions.  This is a key statement.

Holy means of God or God's.

A holy person is a person of God.
A holy scripture is the word of God or God's message.

A holy day is a day in observance of God.

A holy matrimony is God's ceremony joining a man and a woman as husband and wife.

Or, a marriage based on the Guidance of God.

So when we put holy (of God) with spirit (will) we have THE WILL OF GOD.

Now, when we take our free spirit and intentionally do THE WILL OF GOD then, that free spirit
becomes a HOLY SPIRIT within us.

And the more we do THE WILL OF GOD the more we become strengthened with 'THE HOLY SPIRIT'.

'THE HOLY SPIRIT' is not a ghost or paranormal apparition.  It is real and attainable through our freedom
of choice.


The Arabic Qur'an (is) the only message sent by ALLAH - teaching THE WILL OF GOD.

Al Islam (is) total submission to THE WILL OF GOD.

A muslim (is) one who submits his free spirit (will) to THE WILL OF GOD.

The Holy Spirit (is) THE WILL OF GOD.

It is the mission of 'THE HOLY SPIRIT' Crusade to share THE WILL OF GOD [THE WILL OF ALLAH (HIS GUIDANCE)]  with all mankind - to extend an
invitation to everyone to become a person who submits his free spirit (will) to THE WILL OF GOD.

In closing, I invite all to pray 'THE HOLY SPIRIT' oath/prayer - to spend each moment of our life doing


As THE KEEPER of my record of deeds and intentions,
And as A WITNESS to all that I say and do,
I do solemnly affirm and reaffirm to spend each moment of my life
(doing) YOUR WILL.
In YOUR NAME I pray,

Allahu Akbar - Allah is the Greatest

La illaha il Allah - There is no God but Allah

Al Hamdullilahi Rabbil Al Amin - Praise Be to Allah, the Lord and Cherisher of the worlds.

As Salaam Alaikum, - The Peace be unto you,

'The Holy Spirit;TRUE FAITH' Crusader
Abd'ALLAH Raswl ibn Al Qur'an

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