Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Coach Smith; Victim of 'AFRIICIDE'

Bism ALLAH, Al Rahman, Al Raheem

Coach Smith; Victim of 'AFRIICIDE'
(As taught to me by ALMIGHTY GOD ALLAH through inspiration)


  It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces towards East or West; 
but it is righteousness- to believe in Allah and the Last Day, 
and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; 
to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, 
for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, 
for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; 
to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; 
to fulfill the contracts which ye have made; 
and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) 
and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. 
Such are the people of truth, the Allah.fearing.
(S. 2:177, A. Yusuf  Ali Translation)

AFRIICIDE, n.- (1). the existing mental environment that is conducive to the oppression, persecution, and killing of African people with impunity. (2). the historical and systemic mistreatment of African people, and people of color, globally. (3). the deceptive use of employing African people to effectuate/implement racist stratagems/tactics by the privileged class to avoid detection/implication. (4). African on African crime. (5). BLACKICIDE.

February is the month for celebrating, commemorating, honoring, reflecting, and teaching African history in the United States of America.

Celebrating the achievements of African educators, doctors, lawyers, scientist, astronauts, activists, etc., and the numerous African individuals who go nameless yet contribute to the progress of a people who have overcome insurmountable odds to become viable and respected among the peoples of the earth.

Commemorating those who have made the ultimate sacrifice - Viola Liuzzo, Reverend James Reeb, Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, Micheal Schwerner, Medgar Evers, Emmett Till, Dr. M. L. King Jr. Echol Cole, Robert Walker and many, many others.

Honoring the aforementioned.

Reflecting on how far we have come as a people.

Teaching the truth of our African heritage in the United States of America so as not to be relegated to irrelevance by those who would gladly return to slavery in a heartbeat.

Plus, inspire, encourage, and motivate future generations to continue the struggle.

Recently, there was a successful movement to remove the statues of prominent Confederate leaders from public parks here on the 'plantation'. This was staged to coincide with the upcoming MLK50 commemoration and mimic similar activities in former confederate/southern cities. Also, it is suppose to reflect the progressive minds of a community where one of the greatest civil rights icons was assassinated in an attempt to bring respect and relevance to a people who play an important role in our front line defense against plague and disease (sanitation workers).

Attitudes have not changed. The only changes are the tactics used to oppress Africans for .the economic purpose of having a cheap labor base as it was during slavery. Also, the minds of some are so twisted they feel it is natural to keep Africans on a lower status and segregated from the privileged. It feeds into their inflated egos of superiority and entitlement. To delve deeper into their psychosis would require dedicating another blog solely for that purpose. For now just listing a few tactics employed on this 'plantation' will illustrate that "ATTITUDES HAVE NOT CHANGED".
  1. African homeowners cannot realize their wealth because of a valuation tactic called fair market value. The appraised value of their homes is much higher and is used for taxation purposes. FMV is always much, much lower. So low that African homeowners can't borrow against its value or sell for its appraised value. Even making improvements or additions will not enhance the value of their homes. FMV takes place as soon as the African purchases the home for appraised value from the former Caucasian homeowner.
  2. The fire and police departments are now majority African. They have experienced a decrease in pay and benefits. This has resulted in a exodus of trained personnel (especially in the police department) at a time when crime is increasing. 
  3. When school integration was instituted, Caucasians moved to the county. While the housing shortage was being addressed in the county, a segregated system was established within the integrated system. Disguised as "Optional Schools", Caucasians, who hadn't made the move to the county, were the overwhelming majority in these schools. When enough schools and housing were built in the county, the "segregated system" within the "integrated system", began reflecting the majority African population. Now there's a consolidated system but the Caucasians in the county system separated their schools from the consolidated system. .
  4. Sharecropping is alive and well on the 'plantation'. Disguised as temporary employment services, these businesses pay minimum and less than minimum wage. On top of that the temporary employee is charged for; cashing their checks; placing their funds on a debit card; transportation to and from the employment site ( if they don't have transportation); use of equipment that is necessary for performing their assignments and if they get injured on the job and are entitled to Workman's Compensation, there is a clause in their contract with the temp service where the temp service gets the workman's compensation check not the injured employee. If the prospective worker doesn't agree to this clause, his/her chances of being assigned work are nil.
  5. The bankruptcy lawyers usher Africans through Chapter 13 because they can charge a significantly higher fee and collect their fee before any indebtedness is paid. Chapter 7 is avoided because of a set fee and the African debtor can possibly have his indebtedness discharged as some Caucasians do of similarly situated financial difficulty.
  6. The news media constantly report criminal activities of African males (along with video) almost to the exclusion of any other ethnic group. If there isn't any local news they will report on the criminal activities of African males from another state. Because there is an African news anchor reading the propaganda, it is suppose to be perceived as non racist.
  7. 'Pretend-a-cops' are used to blur the lines between them and real police. Their Halloween uniforms, badges, guns, handcuffs, and patches gives the impression of being authentic law enforcement officers. Their real use is to employ behavior modification techniques on the general public (especially those places where Africans frequent).
  8. Coach Hollins of the professional basketball team lost his job after speaking the truth. This happened after he lead the team to the conference finals for the franchises first time. Coach Fizdale of the same professional team lost his job for making an in game decision to assess his players in a real time situation. Both African males. Both on a short leash.
 This is not a complete list, nor is it comprehensive. But, it supports the fact that "ATTITUDES HAVE NOT CHANGED"

Speaking of coaches. The U of M hired a legendary coach by the name of Smith. His two year tenure has been mired in controversy not of his own doing.A local sports radio personality is on a rampage because his unique perspective was not followed in the hiring of coaching personnel and the recruitment of local talent.

This sports radio personality was the one who tried to influence a previous football coach to play 'The Piano Man' at first string quarterback to no avail. He spent the entire season promoting his choice but the previous coach was very successful with his choice and with elevating the football program to new heights.

This sports radio personality was the one who reported that the previous basketball head coach hadn't won a game against a top 24 team. This tidbit was the fuel that ignited a negative sentiment towards the coaching abilities of the previous coach. A sentiment that got so bad the coach left the program for a head coaching position at another school before his contract expired.

Now this sports radio personality feels empowered to get the same results with Coach Smith as he did with the previous coach. His incessant words of disparagement against the coach and the players, are supported by data, but it's data that supports his words of disparagement. The most damaging part of all of this is the young men on the team who are trying to better themselves by using their skills to earn a degree. But the social atmosphere has been so mucked up by the daily barrage of negativism that it is hard to imagine them feeling welcomed as they matriculate in classes and on campus.

Why is all of this happening? Because the sports radio personality didn't have any influence over the hiring of assistant coaches who would have had inside connections to the high school basketball talent here on 'The Plantation'. By providing the thread for discussion, the sports radio personality has been able to enlist other sports radio personalities and columnist to join in on the daily bashing of the UofM basketball program.

The LORD placed Coach Smith, his coaching staff and the student basketball athletes here. And it is obvious to me HE WANTS to expose the true hearts, minds, and souls of this community. How can they tell these young student athletes they are not good enough? Or, imply that the legendary coach doesn't know what he's doing?

Why would they mistreat these young men who have done nothing to deserve this lack of support by the community, these sports radio personalities, and columnist. These young men don't hang out in clubs, don't drive fancy cars, aren't getting shot hanging around dice games and haven't been deemed ineligible for tournament play because of a failed drug test. They don't have weird hip-hop nicknames or talk hip-hop language,

Why is the legendary Coach Smith being maligned? A coach who does things the right way, and has never left a college program on probation or under suspicion. A coach with a national championship and a winning career record. An African man who has made and is having a successful career in a Caucasian male dominated division one sport - his way.

Why? Why? Why?

The bottom line is Coach Smith didn't follow the game plan the sports radio personality outlined for him. So, this srp set about using his format to destroy a program, cast doubt on the abilities of a coach and his players, and get immense satisfaction from saying he is right, was right and those who disagree are (in his own words) "stupid and mindless".
Coach Smith is a victim of 'AFRIICIDE'. Even if the administration decides to buy out Coach Smith and replace him with another African male coach, it doesn't absolve them of committing 'AFRIICIDE'. In fact, that is one of the techniques used to conceal/cover their crime.

An African male is not suppose to run a program his way and given the time and opportunity to be successful at what he knows he can do. 


...fulfill the contracts which ye have made; firm and patient, in pain (or suffering)
and adversity,
and throughout all periods of panic.
Such are the people of TRUTH, the ALLAH fearing.
(S. 2;177 A. Yusuf Ali translation)


All African high school basketball players who; want to be a part of a division one program that does things the right way; want a hand up and not have a hand out; want an opportunity to earn a four year degree using their skills; are hard workers of high moral character; want to be a part of building something special: should; send a letter of introduction to Coach Smith offering your services if needed. If you are not selected other doors will open for you else where, INSHA ALLAH.

As the KEEPER of my record of deeds and intentions,
and as a WITNESS to all that I say and do,
I do solemnly affirm and reaffirm to spend each moment of my life
doing YOUR WILL.
In YOUR NAME I pray.

There is no GOD but ALLAH.
All praises are due to ALLAH,
of the worlds.

Ma Salaama,

Abd'ALLAH Raswl ibn Al Qur'an

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