Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Kroger store security guilty of 'BLACKICIDE'

Bism ALLAH, Al Rahman, Al Raheem

Kroger store security guilty of  'BLACKICIDE'
(As taught to me by Almighty God, ALLAH, through inspiration)
     There are 200 word entries listed with the suffix '-icide' at I'm going to add two more 'BLACKICIDE'/'AFRIICIDE'.

BLACKICIDE, n.- (1). the existing mental environment that is conducive to the oppression, persecution, and killing of black people with impunity. (2). the historical and systemic mistreatment of black people, and people of color, globally. (3). the deceptive use of employing black people to effectuate/implement racist stratagems/tactics by the privileged class to avoid detection/implication. (4). black on black crime. (5). AFRIICIDE.

'THE HOLY SPIRIT' is 'THE WILL OF ALLAH' ('THE WILL OF GOD'). 'FAITH' is obedience to 'THE WILL OF ALLAH'. Free spirit is God's gift to mankind of 'free will' (freedom of choice).

When we choose to live in 'FAITH', our free spirit becomes 'THE HOLY SPIRIT' within us. The longer we live in 'FAITH', the stronger 'THE HOLY SPIRIT' will become in us (the stronger our will to obey ALLAH'S WILL). This is when 'Thou shalt not' becomes 'I will not'. Eventually 'I will not' becomes 'I don't do those things'. By living in 'FAITH', we become strengthened by 'THE HOLY SPIRIT'.

Thou shalt not steal. I will not steal. I don't steal. I, Abdullah Raswl ibn Al Qur'an, 'THE HOLY SPIRIT; FAITH' Crusader, do not steal. Am I a perfect human being? NO. Is stealing (taking something that doesn't belong to me or that I haven't paid for) one of my imperfections? NO.

Recently, I had an encounter at the Kroger store on Union Ave., with a Kroger security guard, where I was profiled and treated as a thief. Without going into details, I went there to do three things. Purchase three money orders. Buy a cook and carry slow cooker that was on sale at a reduced price with card. And, to eat a meal.

I; purchased the money orders at Money Services; asked the clerk for directions to the slow cookers; selected the advertised cook and carry slow cooker; paid for the slow cooker in fast checkout, then, went to the soup bar and Starbucks where I paid for the soup and a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

When I finished eating, I went to the bus stop. While standing there I realized I had left my umbrella in the store. So, I back tracked through Starbucks, the soup bar, to fast checkout. It was in fast checkout.

I was waiting to cross the street to return to the bus stop when a security guard hurriedly approached me from behind and asked to see my receipt for the slow cooker. I asked if I was being accused of stealing. He said "No". So, I attempted to cross Union Ave to the bus stop on the other side. The security guard blocked my attempt with his body. I said, "Suppose I don't want to show you my receipt." He said, "The manager and police are coming. You can show it to them." I said,"I haven't stolen anything", and attempted to cross the street again. Again I was blocked.

To avoid any physical altercation, that would possibly cause injury to me or my newly purchased slow cooker, I suggested we go back and talk to the manager and police. I was not about to readily acquiesce to being profiled without some protestation. When we arrived in front of the store I began to talk really loud which caused another security guard and two store clerks to come out to the front. No manager or police showed. I finally produced my receipt, but, would not let the security guard handle it. When I finished reading the receipt aloud, I called the security guard "Punk."

All of the slow cookers owned by Kroger were still in the store on the shelf. If I hadn't gone back into the store to retrieve my umbrella, I would have been at the bus stop. The clerk at fast checkout did not sound any alarm when I came back to retrieve my umbrella (with the slow cooker under my arm), because she knew someone, who had used fast check out, left the umbrella. I had showed my receipt to the clerk in Starbucks. None of those activities, nor my word, kept the black security guards or the black employees from profiling me as a thief.

My father was a saint. My mother was an angel. Allah joined them together in Holy matrimony to produce me. They toiled and struggled in this life to raise me (and my siblings) as a morally upright human being.

I graduated from Ky State in 1972; the Naval School of Music the same year. I had an evaluation of 3.82 and scored 186 on the E-5 promotion test ( the cutoff score was 142). I am an honorably discharged United States Navy veteran; taught school for 13 years; worked in a warehouse as a supervisor and have had unsuccessful stints as an entrepreneur. Throughout my 67 years of accomplishments and failures, I have not pilfered of schemed to pilfer at any time.

I have weak ankles; bad knees and a bad hip; failed kidneys; high blood pressure (and) had a brain bleed, three seizures and a stroke - old age maladies.

I am not seeking sympathy or empathy. The sum total of who I really am comes into consideration when a mindless pretend-a-cop, who is barely one third my age [along with his three co workers], would imply that the only way I could own a quality, 6 quart, cook and carry, slow cooker is to steal one. Then, be bold enough to parade through the store a second time with that big box under my arm.

I am a victim of 'BLACKICIDE'.

The pretend-a-cop and his co workers are guilty of committing 'BLACKICIDE'.

This seems to be  a minor incident not worthy of any acknowledgement. Except, oppression starts at the most innocent levels and it is on these levels that mental and physical conditioning begins. As the oppressed becomes use to these tactics, stronger, more oppressive measures are employed (along with propaganda) until the oppressed and the favored minds are conditioned to behave and react in the desired manner.

Those who push back against oppression are viewed as militant, trouble makers (Mau Maus) because of their refusal to be submissive and their understanding of what is being done to them.

If no one addresses these oppressive tactics on the most innocent levels then there will become a return to full blown slavery and death in a few generations.

The largest slave trade in the history of the world was created by white Christian Europeans.   Before it was over as many as 60 million Africans would be killed (slaughtered) for the profit of white Christian imperialism. In my opinion, that number is grossly deflated to sanitize the savagery that took place. 

More than sixty million lives slaughtered during the slave trade and millions more from then until now. Yet, Almighty God, ALLAH, says, in HIS message AL QUR'AN, 'tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter'.(S. 2:217, A. Yusuf Ali translation)  

From this we should realize the importance in bringing about a significant reduction in 'BLACKICIDE' (oppression) on any and every level.


Jennifer 10/02/17 10:40am 4023114416
Chec 501 10/02/17 10:51am 40250139999999501
Faith 10/02/17 11:10am 4023864600

Ma Salaama


As THE KEEPER of my record of deeds and intentions,
And as A WITNESS to all that I say and do,
I do solemnly affirm and reaffirm to spend each
each moment of my life
(doing) YOUR WILL.
In YOUR NAME I pray,

There is no GOD but ALLAH
Praise be to ALLAH, the LORD, and CHERISHER
of the worlds.

As Salaam Alaikum,


Abd'ALLAH Raswl ibn Al Qur'an