c r I S I S I S I S I S. I S I S I S c r I S I S?
c r I S I S I S I S I S. I S I S I S c r I S I S?
(As taught to me by ALMIGHTY GOD ALLAH through inspiration)
I always know when someone hasn't read AL QUR'AN with understanding and DIVINE GUIDANCE. Their actions and behaviors don't reflect THE TEACHINGS of our LEADER, ALMIGHTY GOD ALLAH, TO WHOM ALL PRAISES ARE DUE FOREVER. They are not strengthened by 'THE HOLY SPIRIT' and therefore they don't behave in accordance with the human examples of righteousness established by our LEADER in HIS MESSAGE, AL QUR'AN (the ARABIC QUR'AN) - the only MESSAGE ALLAH HAS EVER GIVEN/SENT to mankind (AND) has been with mankind since before Adam was expelled from 'THE GARDEN'.
We (mankind) were chosen by ALMIGHTY GOD ALLAH as HIS representatives on Earth. This was established while we were in 'THE GARDEN'. Also, during that time, the Angels were commanded to bow down to us (mankind) and they obeyed - with the exception of Iblis (he was 'of those who reject FAITH'). Then Iblis went about causing our fall from GRACE and our EXPULSION from 'THE GARDEN'.
ALLAH DID NOT SEND mankind to Earth without HIS DIVINE GUIDANCE. HE KNEW we would stray. Since the very beginning, HE MADE it clear that from time to time, throughout (the HEAR AND NOW), we will receive HIS DIVINE GUIDANCE to confirm and reaffirm HIS MESSAGE - HIS 'WORDS OF INSPIRATION' - AL QUR'AN- (AND) to GUIDE the strayed to 'THE STRAIGHTWAY'.
ALLAH DELIVERED HIS MESSAGE four ways - through inspiration, orally, lived and written. Adam came to Earth with ALMIGHTY GOD'S 'WORDS OF INSPIRATION', lived his life accordingly, and orally passed along ALLAH'S MESSAGE to fellow mankind. His son, Abel, lived according to the teachings of our LEADER. Abel's brother, Cain, did not.
When mankind strayed too far from 'THE PATH', ALLAH, MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL, SENT HIS messenger(s) to GUIDE mankind/us back to 'THE STRAIGHTWAY'. Along with 'THE WORD' and human examples of how we should live according to 'THE WORD', ALLAH GAVE admonishments and SENT signs to let mankind know HE and only HE IS THE ONE to be followed (and) that the consequences of each individual's action here on Earth WILL BE RECKONED WITH on THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT.
We owe our existence and (should) our loyalty to ALLAH. Because mankind WAS CREATED with free will, we have a choice of service and loyalty. Although HE HAS THE POWER, ALMIGHTY GOD ALLAH DOES NOT DEMAND/COMMAND service and loyalty. Those of us who submit to our LEADER on our own volition will earn the reward of THE HEREAFTER. Those of us who do not submit to our LEADER will earn HIS WRATH.
ALLAH IS, HAS ALWAYS BEEN, and WILL ALWAYS BE GOD MOST GRACIOUS, GOD MOST MERCIFUL, MASTER OF THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT (and MORE). In 'THE GARDEN', it was GOD MOST GRACIOUS WHO TOLERATED our chaotic transgressions until something had to be done. Being MASTER OF THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT HE COULD HAVE HELD 'THE DAY OF RECKONING' then. Instead, GOD MOST MERCIFUL DECIDED to GIVE us a do over. This is the reason we are here (on Earth) - an opportunity to earn our way back to 'THE GARDEN'.
ALLAH IS INFINITE, PERFECT and SELF-CREATED. HE HAS NO NEEDS or LIMITATIONS. Creation is finite, imperfect and owes its existence and sustenance to ALLAH. Therefore, Creation can only transgress in a finite number of ways. Throughout the history of mankind ALLAH, MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL, with each messenger, ADDRESSED the transgression(s) as they occurred. Each messenger delivered 'THE ARABIC QUR'AN' to the people of his time - as confirmation/affirmation/reaffirmation of 'THE WORD' - the same DIVINE GUIDANCE that had been delivered before.
We were empty vessels when we arrived in 'THE GARDEN'. ALLAH TAUGHT us the nature of all things. With the exception of Adam (first man), we are empty vessels when we arrive on Earth. In similar fashion, ALLAH TEACHES us the nature of all things. Through HIS TEACHINGS in AL QUR'AN, we are able to understand the nature of mankind and the pitfalls of following other than ALLAH. We are given clear examples of right and wrong behavior so we can avoid the tricks/traps set by Iblis - the same as he did when we were in 'THE GARDEN'. Iblis has no power or authority over mankind/us. He only has the ability to suggest deception, wrongdoing (mischievous evil) and disobedience to ALLAH'S WILL. After his whisperings of evil, he withdraws and leaves mankind to disrespectfully stray.
(men and jinns)
In that order. This SYSTEM is called AL ISLAM. Any other system is not ORDAINED, lacks TRUE LEADERSHIP, and is leading mankind toward total (chaos and confusion) - the same as what happened to us in 'THE GARDEN'.In this conversation I am using the term CrISIS as a blanket word to cover all of the transgressions of mankind. Notice the likeness and the positional relationship between the letters in ISIS, Islamic State (IS) and CrISIS. This is not a coincidence. It is not beyond Iblis to use words and lettering as a tool for subliminal seduction. The word ISIS has mythical connotations. The terrorist organization with the mythical name captures the unrealistic philosophy of world dominance through the rulership of one human being and his followers. And to think this mantra can be accomplished through fear, violence and death is pure mythology. First of all Caliphates and Pharoahism is in conflict with THE TRUE LEADER, ALMIGHTY GOD ALLAH. HE SHARES HIS THRONE with no one. HE USES a man to guide mankind to HIM, but once man believes he goes straight to ALLAH for GUIDANCE. Secondly, Al Islam has been established since the very beginning of 'CREATION'. Everything ALLAH CREATES submits to HIS WILL, according to HIS DESIGN. All HE HAS DONE SINCE THE MOMENT OF INCEPTION IS SUSTAIN HIS DESIGN. Even though there are portions of mankind who reject FAITH, all of CREATION (all seven universes) submit to 'THE HOLY SPIRIT' (THE WILL OF ALLAH). So, there isn't any need for the type of representation of the mythological ISIS (IS) terrorist organization. ALLAH CHERISHES AND SUSTAINS HIS OWN AND NEVER TIRES, HAS NO NEEDS.
Let me introduce the 'UNIVERSAL LAW OF ANTITHESIS' into this conversation. 'THE UNIVERSAL LAW OF ANTITHESIS' simply stated is ALLAH and CREATION. Two antitheticals which establishes all of the relationships or explains all of the realms of existence within CREATION (be it physical, philosophical or psychological). ALLAH; CREATOR,
SELF-CREATED, THE EPITOME OF PERFECTION, SUSTAINER OF ALL. CREATION; CREATED, owes its existence to the CREATOR, the epitome of imperfection because it is not self-created nor can it sustain itself. Within the realm of CREATION are disciplines of extremes ranging from that which is nearest to perfection to that which is farthest from perfection and everything in between, by degrees, from most to least. THE STANDARD BEARER IS ALLAH, THE ALL KNOWING, POWERFUL, ABLE TO DO HIS WILL, ESTABLISHER OF AL ISLAM, AND HAS NO NEEDS.
When man sincerely commits to a certain discipline and because there are varying degrees of disciplines in existence, conflict arises because of the zeal one has for his/her belief. Within the realm of belief there are three catagories: 1. Believers - those who believe in and submit to ALLAH; 2. Unbelievers - those who believe in God but do not submit to ALLAH and call on HIM by other names; and 3. Non believers - those who submit to and believe in nothing. With the existence of these three groups conflict and chaos is an inevitable eventuality.
Sectarianism reigns throughout mankind. Sectarianism is against 'THE HOLY SPIRIT'. The terrorist sectarians have an impatience for 'THE DAY OF RECKONING'. This is when ALLAH WILL ESTABLISH HIS RULE over the free willing and dealing 'REJECTORS OF FAITH'. ISIS is no more than a free willing, dealing, mythological, sectarian terrorist group that espouses fear, violence and death. They would be well advised to cease and desist. Disband and blend back into society. Then establish 'THE HOLY SPIRIT' within their being.
Even if ISIS was to cease and desist, other ISIS-like groups would arise because; the selling of ordinances is a very lucrative business; destabilizing governments keeps the wealth from being shared; and Evil gets to hide within plain sight. Iblis (knows) how to feed the greed.
Ma Salaama.
As THE KEEPER of my record of deeds and intentions,
And as A WITNESS to all that I say and do,
I do solemnly affirm and reaffirm to spend each moment of my life
(doing) YOUR WILL.
In YOUR NAME I pray,
Allahu Akbar - Allah is the Greatest
La illaha il Allah - There is no God but Allah
Al Hamdullilahi Rabbil Al Amin - Praise Be to Allah, the Lord and Cherisher of the worlds.
As Salaam Alaikum, - The Peace be unto you,
'The Holy Spirit;TRUE FAITH' Crusader
Abd'ALLAH Raswl ibn AL Qur'an